How to Catch a Bird in Your House

How to Catch a Bird in Your House: Quick & Humane Tips

To catch a bird in your house, stay calm and close all doors and windows. Use a towel or box to gently trap it.

Having to catch a bird in your house can be stressful for both you and the bird. Birds often fly in through open windows or doors, seeking food or shelter, and when you need to catch a bird in your house, it’s essential to approach the situation calmly. This helps avoid causing the bird undue stress or injury. Remember, the goal is to safely catch a bird in your house and then release it back outside, where it belongs.

Start by closing off any rooms to limit the bird’s movement. Turn off lights and close curtains to make the bird gravitate towards natural light sources, which usually lead to the exit. Use a soft towel or lightweight box to gently trap the bird, then release it outdoors. Always handle the bird with care to prevent harm.


Finding a bird in your house can be a stressful situation. Preparation is key to catching the bird safely. Understanding the right steps can make the process smoother for you and the bird. Here, we will guide you through the first steps of preparation.

How to Catch a Bird in Your House
Catch a Bird in Your House

Identify The Bird Species

Identifying the bird species is important. Different birds have different behaviours. Some birds may be calm, while others can be very nervous. Knowing the species helps you choose the right approach.

  • Observe the bird’s size and colour.
  • Listen to its calls or chirps.
  • Look for any distinctive features, like a long beak or bright feathers.

Use a bird guidebook or an app to help with identification. Some common house-invading birds include sparrows, pigeons, and robins. Once you know the species, you can predict its movements better. This can make the capture easier.

Clear The Area Of Obstacles

Clearing the area of obstacles is crucial. Birds can get hurt if they fly into objects. Remove any items that might block the bird’s path.

  • Move furniture away from the bird’s location.
  • Take down hanging decorations.
  • Close doors to limit the bird’s movement.

Open windows and doors to give the bird an escape route. This can sometimes allow the bird to fly out on its own. If the bird is in a small room, remove any fragile items. This helps to prevent damage during the capture process.

Creating An Exit Strategy

Birds can sometimes find their way inside our homes. This can be stressful for both you and the bird. Knowing how to catch a bird in your house is crucial. A good exit strategy will help you guide the bird out safely. Here’s how to do it.

Open All Windows And Doors

First, make sure to open all windows and doors. This gives the bird plenty of escape routes. Birds are naturally drawn to light. They will head towards open spaces. Follow these steps to ensure a clear path:

  • Unlock all windows.
  • Properly open all doors leading outside.
  • Remove any obstacles near the exits.

Check that screens are removed from windows. Also, ensure that any curtains or blinds are pulled back. This makes the exit more visible to the bird. Birds have excellent vision and will spot the open space. If the bird is perched somewhere, gently encourage it to move towards the open area. Use a soft, calm voice to avoid startling it.

Turn Off All Lights To Catch A Bird

Next, turn off all the lights in your house. Birds are attracted to light. By turning off indoor lights, you make the open windows and doors more appealing. Follow these steps to create the right environment:

  • Switch off all indoor lights.
  • Close any interior doors to darken the rooms.
  • Keep the outdoor lights on if it’s dark outside.

Indoor lights can confuse the bird. It may fly towards them instead of the exit. With the lights off, the bird will see the natural light coming from outside. This helps guide it in the right direction. If the bird is still not moving, gently wave your arms near it to nudge it towards the open window or door.

Luring The Bird

Birds sometimes find their way into homes. This can be stressful for both you and the bird. Luring the bird safely can make the process easier. This guide will help you catch and release the bird without harm.

Place Birdseed Near The Exit

The first step to luring the bird is to use birdseed. Place the birdseed near the exit where you want the bird to go. Birds love seeds and will move towards them. This makes it easier to guide the bird out of your house.

Here are some tips to follow:

  • Choose a spot near an open window or door.
  • Make sure the area is quiet and free of distractions.
  • Use seeds that are fresh and smell good to birds.

This method works well because the bird will focus on the food. With some patience, the bird will move towards the exit. Close all other doors to keep the bird in one room. This helps the bird find the exit faster.

Use A Mirror To Attract The Bird

Another method involves using a mirror. Birds are attracted to their reflections. Place a mirror near the exit to draw the bird in that direction. This trick works because the bird thinks it sees another bird.

Steps to use a mirror:

  • Find a mirror that is easy to move.
  • Place it facing the open window or door.
  • Make sure the room is quiet and calm.

The bird will be curious and move towards the mirror. Once the bird gets close to the exit, it will see the open space and fly out. Be patient and give the bird time to find its way. This method is safe and effective.

How to Catch a Bird in Your House
Gentle Capture

Gentle Capture

Having a bird in your house can be stressful. Birds can be scared and may fly into windows. Gentle capture is the best way to remove the bird without harm. This guide will help you catch the bird safely.

Approach The Bird Slowly And Calmly

Move slowly towards the bird. Quick movements can scare it. Stay calm to avoid making the bird nervous. Speak softly to reassure the bird. Keep your eyes on the bird to see its reactions. Avoid sudden movements that can startle the bird. Wear gloves to protect your hands.

  • Close all doors to contain the bird in one room.
  • Turn off lights to make the bird less active.
  • Cover windows with curtains to prevent collisions.

Take deep breaths to stay calm. Slow and steady movements are key. Patience is important during this process.

Use A Soft Cloth Or Towel To Catch The Bird

A soft cloth or towel is the best tool. Gently place the cloth over the bird. Do not press too hard. Hold the bird through the cloth softly. Avoid squeezing to prevent injury. Support the bird’s body to keep it safe. Use both hands for better control.

  • Choose a lightweight towel for easy handling.
  • Ensure the cloth is clean to avoid infections.
  • Approach from behind to surprise the bird less.

Move the bird to a safe place outside. Open the cloth and let the bird fly away. Watch it to ensure it leaves safely. Check for injuries before releasing if needed.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to Safely Catch a Bird in the House?

First, close all doors and windows to contain the bird. Use a towel or cloth to gently cover it and catch it. Release it outside.

What to Do If a Bird Is in Your House?

Stay calm and avoid startling the bird. Open a window or door to give it an escape route. Use gentle movements to guide it out.

Can I use food to lure a bird out?

Yes, you can use food. Place birdseed or breadcrumbs near an open window or door. This can help lure the bird out safely.

How to Avoid Birds Entering the House?

Keep windows and doors closed or screened. Install bird deterrents like decoys or reflective objects near entry points to prevent birds from coming inside.


Catching a bird in your house requires patience and gentle techniques. Use a calm approach to avoid stress. Follow the steps outlined to ensure both your safety and the bird’s well-being. With these tips, you can successfully and humanely catch a bird inside your home.

Happy bird-catching!

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