Feed Squirrels

What to Feed Squirrels: Nutritious Snack Ideas Unveiled

Feed squirrels nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. Avoid feeding them processed foods, sugary snacks, or bread.

Squirrels are common backyard visitors, and many people enjoy feeding them. Knowing what to feed squirrels ensures their health and well-being. They thrive on a diet rich in natural foods like nuts and seeds. Fresh fruits and vegetables also provide essential nutrients.

When considering what to feed squirrels, avoid giving them processed foods, as these can harm their health. Providing the right food not only supports squirrels but also enhances your enjoyment of their playful antics. A balanced diet ensures they remain active and healthy. Always place food in safe, accessible spots to avoid attracting predators. Happy squirrels contribute to a vibrant, lively backyard.

Best Foods For Squirrels

Feeding squirrels can be a delightful experience. These little creatures are always on the hunt for tasty treats. Knowing the best foods to feed them ensures their health and happiness. Squirrels love a variety of foods. The right diet helps them stay active and playful. So, what should you feed these furry friends? Let’s explore some of the best options.

Feed Squirrels
Feed Squirrels

Fruits And Vegetables

Squirrels enjoy munching on fruits and vegetables. These foods provide essential vitamins and nutrients. Apples, berries, and bananas are favourites. Carrots and peas are also good choices. Make sure to cut fruits and vegetables into small pieces. This helps squirrels eat them easily.

Here are some fruits and vegetables squirrels love:

  • Apples: Remove the seeds before feeding.
  • Berries: Blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries.
  • Bananas: are high in potassium and easy to eat.
  • Carrots: are crunchy and good for their teeth.
  • Peas: Fresh or frozen peas are great.

It’s important to avoid certain fruits and vegetables. Never feed squirrels citrus fruits like oranges. Avoid giving them onions or garlic. These can be harmful to their health. Always provide fresh and clean fruits and vegetables.

Nuts And Seeds

Squirrels have a special love for nuts and seeds. These provide them with energy and essential fats. Peanuts, walnuts, and almonds are excellent choices. Sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds are also great. Make sure to offer unsalted and unflavored nuts. Salt and spices can harm squirrels.

Here is a table of nuts and seeds squirrels enjoy:

PeanutsHigh in protein and energy.
WalnutsRich in healthy fats.
AlmondsGood source of vitamins.
Sunflower SeedsRich in essential oils.
Pumpkin SeedsHigh in fibre and protein.

While nuts and seeds are great, moderation is key. Too many nuts can lead to obesity. Always mix nuts with other foods. This ensures a balanced diet for your squirrel friends.

Foods To Avoid

Squirrels are cute, furry animals that many people love to watch. Feeding them can be a fun activity. But not all foods are safe for them. Some foods can make squirrels very sick. It is important to know what foods to avoid. This way, we can keep our squirrel friends healthy and happy.

Processed Foods

Processed foods are bad for squirrels. These foods often have too much salt and fat. They can make squirrels sick. Processed foods include chips, crackers, and cookies. These are not natural for squirrels to eat. Squirrels need fresh and natural foods. Processed foods can cause stomach problems. They can also make squirrels gain too much weight. This is not good for their health.

Instead of processed foods, give squirrels these healthy options:

  • Fresh fruits like apples and berries
  • Raw vegetables like carrots and peas
  • Nuts in the shell, but not salted or roasted

Squirrels will be much healthier with these natural foods. They will have more energy to climb trees and play. Always choose fresh and natural foods over processed ones.

Sugary Treats

Sugary treats are also bad for squirrels. These treats have a lot of sugar. Sugar can harm a squirrel’s teeth. It can also give them too much energy and then make them crash. This is not good for their health. Sugary treats include candy, chocolate, and sweet cereals. These foods can make squirrels very sick. They can cause serious health problems.

Instead of sugary treats, give squirrels these better options:

  • Fresh fruits like bananas and strawberries
  • Raw nuts without salt or sugar
  • Sunflower seeds in small amounts

Healthy snacks are better for squirrels. They will help squirrels stay strong and active. Fresh fruits and nuts are tasty and safe for them. Always choose these over sugary treats.

Feeding Methods

Squirrels are cute little creatures that often visit our backyards. Feeding them can be fun and rewarding. It’s important to choose the right feeding methods to keep them healthy and happy. Two popular methods are platform feeders and hanging feeders.

Platform Feeders

Platform feeders are flat surfaces where squirrels can sit and eat. These feeders are easy to make and set up. They allow multiple squirrels to eat at once. Here are some advantages of platform feeders:

  • Easy to clean and refill.
  • Can hold a variety of foods.
  • Provides a stable eating surface.

Platform feeders can be placed on the ground or mounted on a post. They should be sturdy to withstand the squirrels’ activity. You can use a simple wooden board or buy a ready-made feeder.

Food TypeBenefits
NutsHigh in protein and energy.
FruitsRich in vitamins and minerals.
SeedsGood source of healthy fats.

Hanging Feeders

Hanging feeders are suspended from branches or poles. They can be made from various materials, like plastic, metal, or wood. These feeders swing and move, which adds fun for the squirrels.

Some benefits of hanging feeders include:

  • Keeps food off the ground, reducing spoilage.
  • Can be hung at different heights.
  • Can deter larger animals.

Hanging feeders often come with built-in perches. These allow squirrels to cling and eat comfortably. When choosing a hanging feeder, look for ones with secure lids to keep the food dry.

It’s also important to check the feeder regularly. Make sure it’s clean and filled with fresh food. This will keep your squirrel visitors happy and healthy.

Tips For Attracting Squirrels

Feeding squirrels can be a fun activity. It helps you connect with nature. You need to know the right foods for them. This guide offers tips for attracting squirrels. By following these tips, you can make your yard a squirrel haven.

Creating A Safe Environment

Squirrels need a safe place to eat. This helps them feel secure. Here are some tips to create a safe environment:

  • Keep pets indoors or away from the feeding area.
  • Place feeders high up to avoid predators.
  • Provide hiding spots with bushes and trees.

Squirrels enjoy peace and quiet. Avoid loud noises near their feeding area. Use squirrel-friendly feeders. These feeders make it hard for other animals to steal food. A simple platform feeder works well too.

Offer fresh water. Place a shallow dish of water nearby. This helps squirrels stay hydrated. Clean the dish often to keep it fresh. By following these steps, you create a safe and inviting space for squirrels.

Feed Squirrels
Maintaining A Regular Feeding Schedule

Maintaining A Regular Feeding Schedule

Squirrels are creatures of habit. They like to eat at the same times each day. Keep a regular feeding schedule to attract them. Feed them in the morning and evening. This helps them know when to visit your yard.

Offer a variety of foods. Squirrels love nuts, fruits, and seeds. Here are some good options:

  • Unsalted peanuts
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Apples and berries

Avoid feeding them junk food. Squirrels need healthy foods to stay strong. Change the food daily to keep it fresh. This helps prevent mould and spoilage. Keep the feeding area clean. This reduces the risk of disease.

Stick to the schedule. This helps squirrels rely on you for food. It also makes it easier for you to enjoy watching them. By maintaining a regular feeding schedule, you create a routine that benefits both you and the squirrels.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Feed Squirrels

What Is The Best Thing To Feed Wild Squirrels?

The best foods for wild squirrels include nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables. Avoid feeding them processed foods or sugary snacks.

What Should You Not Feed Squirrels?

Avoid feeding squirrels processed foods, sugary snacks, salted nuts, and dairy products. These can harm their health. Stick to natural foods.

Should I Feed the Squirrels in My Yard?

Feeding squirrels can make them dependent on humans. It’s best to let them find their natural food sources.

What Do Squirrels Like to Eat the Most?

Squirrels love to eat nuts, especially acorns, walnuts, and pecans. They also enjoy fruits, seeds, and fungi.


Feeding squirrels can be a delightful experience. By offering nuts, fruits, and vegetables, you support their health. Avoid processed foods and sugary snacks to keep them safe. Remember, a balanced diet helps squirrels thrive. Enjoy watching these adorable creatures flourish with your thoughtful feeding choices.

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