Common Butterflies in New York

Common 5 Butterflies in New York

Butterflies are one of nature’s most beautiful creatures. New York is home to many kinds. Let’s learn about butterflies in New York.

Monarch Butterfly (Danaus plexippus)

The Monarch butterfly is one of the most famous butterflies. You can see it in the summer and fall. It has orange wings with black lines. There are white spots on the edges. It loves milkweed plants.

Red Admiral
Red Admiral

Red Admiral (Vanessa Atalanta)

Red Admirals have dark wings with red bands. They fly quickly and are hard to miss. They like sunny places and visit flowers. You can see them from spring to fall.

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus)

The Eastern Tiger Swallowtail is big and bright. It has yellow and black stripes. These butterflies fly slowly and they love gardens. Look for them in the spring and summer.

American Lady (Vanessa virginiensis)

The American Lady is a beauty. Its wings are orange and brown with white spots. They’re fond of flowers and thistle plants. Spot them from late spring till fall.

Black Swallowtail
Black Swallowtail

Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes)

The Black Swallowtail is stunning. The wings are mostly black with yellow dots. They like herb gardens and parsley. You can see them from spring through fall.

Butterfly Watching Tips

  • Visit gardens with lots of flowers.
  • Bring binoculars to see them up close.
  • Go out on sunny, warm days.
  • Move slowly to not scare them away.

Butterfly Habitats in New York

Butterflies live in many places. Here are some habitats you can find in New York:

  1. Flower gardens
  2. Meadows and fields
  3. Parks and forests
  4. Along streams and rivers

Butterfly Identification Chart

Use this chart to find and learn about butterflies. This helps you identify the common ones in New York.

Butterfly NameWing ColorsSeason
MonarchOrange with black and whiteSummer-Fall
Red AdmiralDark with red bandsSpring-Fall
Eastern Tiger SwallowtailYellow and black stripesSpring-Summer
American LadyOrange and brown with whiteLate Spring-Fall
Black SwallowtailBlack with yellow dotsSpring-Fall

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Frequently Asked Questions Of Common Butterflies In New York

What Butterflies Inhabit New York?

New York is home to various butterflies, including Monarchs, Swallowtails, and Red Admirals, thriving in its diverse habitats

When Do Butterflies Emerge In New York?

Butterflies typically emerge in New York during the warmer months, with peak sightings from late spring to early fall.

Are Monarch Butterflies Common In New York?

Monarch butterflies are indeed common in New York, often seen during their migration in late summer and early fall.

How To Attract Butterflies In NY Gardens?

To attract butterflies in New York gardens, plant native flowering plants like milkweed, asters, and joe-pye weed, which provide nectar and larval food.

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