Hawks In Delaware

Types Of Hawks That Live In Delaware 2024

Are you ready to meet the amazing hawks of Delaware? Our state is home to a variety of these majestic birds. In this guide, we will explore the different types of hawks that live in Delaware as of 2024. From the soaring Red-tailed Hawk to the elusive sharp-skinned hawk, get ready to expand your birdwatching list!

Table of Hawk Species in Delaware

Hawk SpeciesIdentifying FeaturesHabitats
Red-tailed HawkBrownish body with a reddish-brown tail.Open fields and woods.
Cooper’s HawkBlue-gray back with a rounded tail.Forests and woodlands.
Sharp-shinned HawkSmall in size with a squared tail.Dense forests.
Broad-winged HawkBrown body with white stripes on tails.Wet forests and wood edges.
Red-shouldered HawkReddish chest with a banded tail.Woodlands near water.
Northern HarrierGray body with a white rump patch.Open fields and marshes.

Red-tailed Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk

Spotting the Red-tailed Hawk

The Red-tailed hawk is one of the most common hawks in Delaware. Look for a large bird gliding above the open fields and woods. Their hallmark is the reddish tail when they fly. These hawks love to perch at high points!

Uncovering the Cooper’s Hawk

Cooper’s Hawks have blue-gray backs. They soar through the forests and woodlands. They are tricky to spot since they fly fast. Their nests are hidden high up in the tall trees.

The Sharp-shinned Hawk
The Sharp-shinned Hawk

Observing the Sharp-shinned Hawk

The smallest hawk in Delaware is the Sharp-shinned Hawk. It has a tiny body and a squared tail. You will find them in dense forests. They are quick and dash between trees for food.

Witnessing the Broad-winged Hawk

Meet the Broad-winged Hawk. It has a brown body and white stripes on its tail. Look for them in wet forests and at the edges of woods. They make a unique whistle sound you can listen to!

Red-shouldered Hawk
Red-shouldered Hawk

Identifying the Red-shouldered Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawks love woodlands near water. Their reddish chest stands out. Their loud calls echo through the woods. These hawks fly with a distinctive flap-and-glide pattern.

Tracking the Northern Harrier

The Northern Harrier Hawks are amazing! They have a gray body and a white rump patch. Look for them flying low over open fields and marshes. They are easy to see because they have a large wingspan.

Hawk Watching Tips

  • Bring binoculars to see hawks from far away.
  • Be patient. Hawks can be very still before they fly.
  • Go during dawn or dusk. The Hawks are more active then.
  • Learn their calls to find them by sound.
  • Look for hawks during spring or fall migration.

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Frequently Asked Questions For Types Of Hawks That Live In Delaware

What Species Of Hawks Inhabit Delaware?

Delaware is home to several hawk species including Red-tailed Hawks, Cooper’s Hawks, and Sharp-shinned Hawks.

Are Delaware Hawks Migratory Or Resident?

Many hawks in Delaware, like the Broad-winged Hawk, are migratory, while others, such as the Red-tailed Hawk, can be year-round residents.

How To Identify Delaware’s Hawks?

Identifying Delaware’s hawks involves noting their size, plumage, behaviors, and flight patterns, which vary among species.

When Is Hawk-watching Season In Delaware?

The best hawk-watching season in Delaware is during the spring and fall migrations, particularly from September to November.


Exploring the world of hawks in Delaware is exciting! By using this guide, you can spot these beautiful birds. Always respect their space and enjoy your birdwatching adventures in nature.

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